Tag: intellectual property lawyer

  • No Copyright for AI-Generated Work

    Artificial intelligence by Wendelin Jacober

    During an evening event at Content Marketing World this year, I was talking with my fellow speakers, and I basically held court to field their questions about how copyright applies to content that’s created with artificial intelligence (AI). This led to an invitation from the brilliant Christopher Penn to do a more in-depth interview about this topic as a Fire Side Chat for Trust Insights.

    Only Humans Can Create Copyrightable Works

    This issue was largely settled by the infamous Monkey Selfie case. Here’s what happened:

    Photographer David Slater was taking pictures in Tangkoko reserve in Indonesia. At one point, Naruto, a macaque monkey, picked up Slater’s camera and took several pictures, including the infamous selfie.

    Slater wanted to register the copyright in the photo, but People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sued Slater on behalf of Naruto, arguing that Naruto should own the copyright since he took the photo.

    The judge ruled that only humans can create copyright-protected works. Since Naruto took the photo, not the photographer, the photographer doesn’t own the copyright.

    In fact, no one owns the copyright in this photo. Since it was taken without a human author, there is no copyright in this selfie. Anyone can use it for any purpose without needing permission.

    Owning an AI Machine Does Not Give You a Copyright in the Machine’s Output

    This came up in a different copyright matter. Steven Thaler owned a machine that created the work entitled, “Entrance to Paradise.” When he tried to register the copyright for this work, he listed the machine, Creativity Machine, as the author, and himself as an author merely as the machine’s owner. The Copyright Office rejected the application, saying that owning the machine isn’t enough to make you an author of the machine’s output.

    If you write software code for an AI machine or product, there’s copyright protection for the code assuming it qualifies as an original work of authorship. However, even when software code is protected by copyright, the results of running the code are not necessarily protected by copyright. Remember there is no copyright protection for facts.

    Artificial Intelligence by Wendelin Jacober

    AI-Generated Content Might be a Derivative Work

    Whoever owns a copyright, get to control how that work is copied and distributed as well as what derivative works can be made from it.

    If you put someone else’s copyright-protected work into an AI machine or software, the resulting AI-generated content would be a derivative work of the original. If you do this without a license, then that’s likely copyright infringement.

    This is similar to using Google Translate to create unauthorized translations of someone else’s work.

    Could the Creator of AI Software be a Copyright Owner of the AI-Generated Work?

    I would not be surprised if this question is revisited by the court in the future.

    This question was touched on briefly in the Torah Soft case. An author wanted to use printouts from the Torah Soft software in their book and the software’s creator said this was an unauthorized use of his copyright in the software code.

    The judge ultimately held that that the code was not an original work of authorship, therefore, not copyrightable, and there was no copyright in the printouts because both the code and the printouts merely contained an unoriginal arrangement of facts. (This is also why there’s no copyright protection for phonebooks.)

    Might the outcome have been different if the input was not protected by copyright but the software code that created the output is? Maybe. This is an issue that hasn’t been taken up by the courts yet. The owner of the copyright in the code would have to prove that the output from the code is a derivative work.

    There’s also the question of whether the method used to create the output is original enough to be worthy of a patent. The court may have to consider whether this is a situation involving patent rights or copyright rights, or both.

    This is a gray area of the law. I don’t have high expectations that the owner of the code will successfully assert rights in the output of their code, but I think these types of questions will come up moving forward.

    What If Your Content is 100% AI-Generated?

    For now, AI-generated content isn’t worth consuming. To be blunt. It’s usually crap. Remember when AI studied pick up lines and was tasked with writing its own?

    However, if you’re using AI-generated content, or perhaps just AI-generated images, this comes with a risk. Assuming the AI-generated content is not a derivative work of someone else’s copyright protected work, it’s content that is not created by a human; therefore, cannot be protected by copyright and will automatically be in the public domain. Anyone, including your competition, could use it without penalty, at least from a copyright perspective.

    Otherwise, it’s imperative to keep a human substantially involved in creating your original works to retain its copyright and associated rights. For now, the best use of AI-generated content seems to be as a tool for exploring ideas for content and creating inconsequential images where you don’t care if anyone uses them.

    Will Certified Artisan Content Become a Real Thing?

    Chris and I joked that in the future, content made my humans will be labeled as “certified organic content” or “handcrafted artisanal content.”

    While we said this in jest, if the quality of AI-generated content improves, this could be how some content creators differentiate themselves from marketers who solely use AI without engaging a human to create original copyright-protected work(s) as part of the creation process.

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  • Why You Have to Respond to Suspected IP Infringement

    Cease and Desist by H.L.I.T. from Flickr (Creative Commons License)
    Cease and Desist by H.L.I.T. from Flickr (Creative Commons License)

    A few weeks ago we all had a good laugh when Jeff Briton, owner of Exit 6 Pub and Brewery in Cottleville, Missouri got a cease and desist letter from Starbucks when he named one of his craft beers “Frappicino.” Starbucks said this was too similar to their Frappuccino and even took the liberty of contacting the beer review website Untappd to get the Frappicino beer listing removed.

    Briton responded with a letter and a check for $6 – the profit he made from selling the beer to the three people who reviewed it on Untappd. If you haven’t read this letter yet, go do it. It’s hilarious.

    My hat’s off to Briton for writing such a brilliant response and turning this situation into an awesome opportunity to promote Exit 6. Some people might say that Starbucks’ lawyers were being jerks for sending a cease and desist letter to the little guy who wasn’t their competition anyway. But it was what Starbucks had to do to protect its intellectual property.

    When you have a copyright or a trademark and you know that someone is using your intellectual property without your permission and you do nothing, you send a message that you don’t care about protecting your intellectual property rights. If you let the little guys get away with things like Frappicino beer and then one of your big competitors does something similar and you try to lay the smack down on them, your competitor will have an argument that your track record shows that you let others use your property without permission or penalty. By not protecting your intellectual property, you put yourself at risk of losing your intellectual property rights.

    It’s because of this risk that Starbucks has to send cease and desist letters to Exit 6 Pub. This is why I tell clients to keep an eye out for other people using their intellectual property. In trademark situations, a cease and desist letter is usually the proper response, even in situations like Frappicino beer.

    This is also why I tell bloggers and photographers to be diligent about who is using their work. If they find that someone’s using their copyrights without permission, even if they’re ok with it, I often recommend they contact the alleged infringer and grant them a license after the fact and request an attribution if the infringer didn’t give them one. If they’re not ok with what the alleged infringer did, we discuss whether the artist wants to send a cease and desist, a DMCA takedown notice, a licensing agreement with a bill, or sue for infringement. There should always be a response.

    If you have questions about your intellectual property rights or your strategy to protect them, please contact an intellectual property attorney in your community. If you have questions related to copyright or trademark and blogging, please check out my book The Legal Side of Blogging: How Not to get Sued, Fired, Arrested, or Killed.

    If you want to chat with me more about this topic, you can connected with me on TwitterGoogle+FacebookYouTubeLinkedIn, or you can email me. You can also subscribe to the Carter Law Firm newsletter.
    Please visit my homepage for more information about Carter Law Firm.

  • Poor Man’s Copyright Doesn’t Work

    Self-Addressed Envelope after it's been through the Mail
    Self-Addressed Envelope after it’s been through the Mail

    Every time I speak about copyright to a group of artists or writers, someone always asks me about how poor man’s copyright works and whether it’s valid. Poor man’s copyright is the idea that you can establish that you created something first by mailing a copy of your work to yourself and using the date on the postmark as proof of when you created it. If anyone copies your work and claims a creation date that’s after your postmark, you can use the postmark to show that you created the work first.

    To anyone who’s been sending their work to themselves, you can stop. Poor man’s copyright is crap and a waste of your time and money. A postmark on an envelope tells you when the post office processed the envelope, not what was inside of it. You could easily send an unsealed envelope to yourself and put your work in it later and seal it.

    Self-Addressed Unsealed Stamped Envelope Ready for the Mail
    Self-Addressed Unsealed Stamped Envelope Ready for the Mail

    You get the exclusive rights to copy, distribute, display, perform, and to make derivative works based on your work the second you’ve fixed your work in any tangible medium. (Sorry, there’s no copyright protection for ideas that only exist in your head.) If you want to maximize your rights in your work, including the ability to sue for copyright infringement and collect statutory damages, you need to register your work with the U.S. Copyright Office. You can do it online and most application fees are only $35.

    To demonstrate why poor man’s copyright doesn’t work, I recently addressed an envelope to myself and sent it, unsealed, through the mail. I made a video about the result. You can see it below or here.

    If you want more information about how you can protect your rights in your work, please contact me or a copyright attorney in your community. You can connect with me on TwitterGoogle+FacebookYouTubeLinkedIn, or you can email me. You can also subscribe to the Carter Law Firm newsletter.
    Please visit my homepage for more information about Carter Law Firm.

  • How To Trademark a Business Name

    Can programming language names be trademarks? by opensourceway from Flickr
    Can programming language names be trademarks? by opensourceway from Flickr

    Last week a friend asked me if a business could trademark their name. Anyone who’s spent much time with me knows that the answer to every legal question is “It depends.” In this case it depends on whether your business name is trademarkable and if anyone else had claimed the same or a similar name for your category of goods or services.

    When you start a business, check the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database to see if anyone has registered the name you want to use (or a similar one) for selling the same goods and services as you. If someone’s already using the name you want, you will likely be infringing on their trademark rights if you use the name on your products. They could force you to change your name and rebrand if you use the name that someone’s already registered. If you were using the business name on your products and someone registers the name before you, you’ll be in the Burger King situation where you can keep using your name, but only in your established market.

    Once you establish that your desired name hasn’t been registered by someone else, you have to look at whether the name you want is trademarkable. Not every business or product name can be a registered trademark. Here are the five types of trademarks.

    1. Fanciful Marks: Fanciful marks are words that didn’t exist before you stuck it on your products. Examples include Exxon and Kodak. These marks can be registered with the USPTO main registry.

    2. Arbitrary Marks: Arbitrary marks are words in real life, but they are stuck on a product that has no connection to the word. For example, the mark “Apple” for computers, cell phones, and digital music players is an arbitrary mark. The fruit has nothing to do with digital machines and gadgets. These marks can be registered with the USPTO main registry.

    3. Suggestive Marks: Suggestive marks are marks where if you think about it, you can make a connection between the mark and the product. “Playboy” as a mark for a men’s magazine is a suggestive mark. These marks can be registered with the USPTO main registry. It’s sometimes hard to discern the difference between suggestive and descriptive marks.

    4. Descriptive Marks: Descriptive marks merely describe the product. This includes businesses where the owner names the business after themselves. These marks can be registered on the USPTO main registry after they’ve established “acquired distinctiveness,” which usually means you’ve been using the mark for five years.

    5. Generic Marks: Generic marks are the name of the products themselves. It would be if you had an apple orchard and wanted to sell your apples using the mark “Apples.” If the USPTO let you register that mark, no other apple farmers could call their apples “apples” without infringing on your trademark rights. Generic marks can never be registered with the USPTO.

    This video may help. You can watch it below or see it here.

    If you want to know if your business name can be your trademark and the risks and rewards surrounding registering your mark, contact a trademark attorney in your community.

    You can connect with me on TwitterGoogle+FacebookYouTubeLinkedIn, or you can email me.
    You can also subscribe to the Carter Law Firm newsletter.
    Please visit my homepage for more information about Carter Law Firm.