Not that kind of lawyer
Explaining how business, intellectual property, and internet law applies to real-life situations in plain English that Joe Average people can understand since 2012.

About Geek Law Firm
Geek Law Firm explains how the law works in plain English, with a focus on intellectual property, business, and internet law. We try to keep up with developments in technology as well as provide practical information that helps everyday people understand how the law impacts them. As massive geeks ourselves, we look for the humor and absurdity in the law as well.

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Geek Law Firm Books
Inspired by real questions in my life, these three best-selling books explore the legalities of blogging and organizing flash mobs. They were inspired by real questions that came up in my life, and I had to do my legal homework to keep myself out of trouble. I wrote these books to share this wisdom while breaking down legal concepts so every reader can understand them.