My first speaking engagement during The Undeniable Tour was in Los Angeles; however, I purposefully started the trip in San Diego in part so I could meet Jacob Sapochnick of The Enchanting Lawyer Podcast in person. He has a firm in San Diego that focuses on immigration law and he is also one of the most active lawyers on social media that I know.
I met Jacob last year when I was a guest on his podcast where we talked about the benefits of using blogging and social media as a marketing tool. I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to popped by his office an say hello in person during the tour.
Jacob’s law practice appears to be a whimsical house that was converted into an office. It is absolutely adorable. Another thing that makes Jacob’s office different than a stereotypical firm is everybody seems happy. The place was buzzing with productivity and positivity on every floor. As Jacob and I sat in his office to talk shop for a bit, he showed me that he keeps his leather jacket hanging in the closet in his office to remind him that he doesn’t have to conform to the lawyer stereotypes to be successful. On the contrary, his innovative methods to running his practice have given him more freedom, success, and happiness.
Jacob told me he uses a method called “The Enchanting Way” to run his practice. He genuinely cares about each of his employees and by putting them in positions where they are empowered and also able to take care of themselves when they have personal affairs to attend to, they are more dedicated to the firm and the clients then employees at any firm I’ve seen. When he needs to hire someone, he looks for people who will provide the same level of customer care that he would; he can teach anyone with solid base skills what they need to be a paralegal or a legal assistant. What you can’t teach are empathy and work ethic.
Because of this, Jacob doesn’t need to be in the office 24/7. He knows the office will run perfectly fine and clients will be taken care of if he is in court or on vacation for weeks at a time. I think a lot of lawyers like to envision themselves as indispensable but what Jacob is done is make his firm indispensable to clients. That’s what really matters.
As a social media enthusiast, one of the things I love about Jacob is he embodies the idea that every company should be a media company. He has the enchanting lawyer podcast and a strong following on Facebook. He said he often creates posts that his audience lots that have nothing to do with the law; however, by creating content his audience enjoys, he is creating a strong rapport and reputation with them so they are more likely to call him when they need help with an immigration issue. Doing this is not rocket science, but it is hard work, and I love to see companies like his that are doing it right. Here is his advice for anyone who wants to make a name for themselves.
Be sure to subscribe to The Enchanting Lawyer Podcast via iTunes or YouTube. Jacob has amazing guests on the show every week. If you want to chat with me about The Undeniable Tour how I use social media, please shoot me an email or connect with me on Twitter.
The Undeniable Tour would not be possible without my awesome sponsors: Web3Mavens,Enchanting Lawyer, Total Networks, and Attorney at Work.